Friday, January 27, 2012

Swans have an air of being proud, stupid, and mischievous - three qualities that go well together. -- Diderot

Denis Diderot (October 5, 1713 – July 31, 1784) was a French philosopher, art critic, and writer. He was a prominent person during theEnlightenment and is best known for serving as co-founder and chief editor of and contributor to the Encyclopédie.
Diderot also contributed to literature, notably with Jacques le fataliste et son maître (Jacques the Fatalist and his Master), which emulatedLaurence Sterne in challenging conventions regarding novels and their structure and content, while also examining philosophical ideas aboutfree will. Diderot is also known as the author of the dialogue, Le Neveu de Rameau (Rameau's Nephew), upon which many articles and sermons about consumer desire have been based. His articles included many topics of the Enlightenment.

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